1 in 5 companies at risk of employment tribunal

As the economy struggles on and UK businesses have to continue making more hard decisions, it seems that the employees of the UK are feeling hard done by. Between the 1st April 2011 and the 31st March 2012, 186,000 tribunal claims were made against UK employers. A further 57,737 were made between January and March 2013. Continue reading

Is absence costing your company a secret small fortune?

Absence management is increasingly in the public eye due to the previously unknown build-up of costs associated with employee absence. However, the CIPD survey 2012 reports that there are still less than half of employers in the UK, measuring absence. This figure has barely changed since 2009 and we’d like to help the UK move with the times. Continue reading

Truth or Myth?: A formal diagnosis is not needed to access mental health support

This is the truth! Mental health issues can be complex and vary widely in severity. It may not always be clear if you or your employees are suffering from mental health issues but there are plenty of ways to find out. As long as your employees are aware of the symptoms of mental health issues, and feel that they are suffering from any of them they are qualified to seek professional help. Continue reading

Truth or Myth?: Substance abuse amounts as grounds for dismissal

This is a myth. As economic times get harder, more and more employers are faced with the problems that substance abuse brings to their companies. Whether this be alcohol or drugs the problems are generally the same but many wrongly believe that substance abuse amounts as grounds for instant dismissal. Continue reading

Truth or Myth? Absent employees should be left to recover in peace and should not be contacted by their managers?

It is commonplace within HR to think that if your employees are off sick, you should not ‘bug’ them with what could feel like ‘intrusive’ phone calls or e-mails. Some even think that it could be classed as harassment to keep in regular contact with the sick employee.

But this is a myth. Continue reading