Happy at work?

Honeydew team attended an inspirational talk about how to become happy at work. The room full of HR professionals all agreed that a happy workforce is a productive one and the speaker, Henry Stewart of Happy Ltd, suggested that the primary strategic goal of any business should be to make its employees happy for best results operationally and financially. Continue reading

How to Measure Wellbeing at Work

The second in our series of ‘How to’ Guides, is an article written by guest writer Wayne Campbell at Healthy Performance.

“What you can measure, you can improve!”

With wellbeing one of the top five boardroom issues, it’s now important to measure the effectiveness and impact of your wellbeing programme, not just implement initiatives. Continue reading

Smoking cessation improves attendance, productivity & employee wellbeing

A recent study by University of Nottingham reported that smokers are 33% more likely to miss work than non-smokers and this trend has led to smokers missing, on average, 2.7 working days more per year than non-smokers. Continue reading