Lesson from Netflix: HR can be innovative too

‘Netflix culture’ slideshow has been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Patty McCord, the then Chief Talent Officer who co-devised the strategy and slide deck, wrote an article for Harvard Business Review explaining what is so revolutionary in their approach. It makes for very interesting reading. Continue reading

Today is National Sickie Day

The first Monday in February is the day workers in the UK are most likely to call in sick – the National Sickie Day. The cold weather, post-Christmas credit card bills and the long months ahead before summer and holidays all contribute to many employees deciding to stay in bed on this day. Continue reading

Happy companies make more money

So last week we wrote about how the scientists behind Blue Monday have decided that its date should be changed from the 3rd Monday in January to the 1st Monday after New Year. That may well be true but many still struggle to stay positive throughout the month of January Continue reading

What is HR?

In a recent article on the CIPD’s website, the writer Claire Churchard explained that not enough young people know what HR is which hinders the development of HR as a profession. But this led me to think about all the times that we have been asked by managers, what is HR? So, perhaps it’s not just children that don’t know. Continue reading