Lesson from Netflix: HR can be innovative too

‘Netflix culture’ slideshow has been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Patty McCord, the then Chief Talent Officer who co-devised the strategy and slide deck, wrote an article for Harvard Business Review explaining what is so revolutionary in their approach. It makes for very interesting reading. Continue reading

What is HR?

In a recent article on the CIPD’s website, the writer Claire Churchard explained that not enough young people know what HR is which hinders the development of HR as a profession. But this led me to think about all the times that we have been asked by managers, what is HR? So, perhaps it’s not just children that don’t know. Continue reading

Guide to flexible working

As of the 2nd January 2014, rail fares once again rose by 2.8%. This move will no doubt push flexible working to the front of any commuter’s mind. To help employees and managers alike decide if flexible working could be the right solution for you, we at Honeydew have written a guide to flexible working for you, right here. Please share! Continue reading

Finnish Independence Day and other cultural discoveries

For those of you that have not met any of us at Honeydew Health, we are actually a very multinational team with the 5 of us hailing from Denmark, Finland, Poland and the UK. With such a great variety on offer, every organisation should embrace their different cultures! Continue reading

Why is every day a sick day for the UK?

65,000 people call in sick every week, according to the British Heart Foundation. Given that 71.8% of our 63.7million population is employed, to have 65,000 of those out of work during any given week is shocking. So, why is every day a sick day for the UK? Continue reading

Here come the winter blues

It’s come to that time of year. The weather turns bad, the nights draw in earlier and the busy times roll on until Christmas. Although this time of year can make anyone feel a bit blue, it’s important for managers to recognise the difference between employees being a bit ‘grumpy’ and someone suffering with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Continue reading

A great combination: health management apps & health management classes

Smart phone Apps have become the latest trend for Health management and weight loss firms to reach the public. As many of us are ‘addicted’ to our phones, it only makes sense to provide advice, information and tools for improving personal health via this platform.

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